
Aesthetic Dentistry » Diasthema


To a size that eliminated the gaps (diasthema), simulataneously creating a certain cosmetic harmony. A smile that aesthetically compliments her face. ...

Teeth Bonding - Esthet-X Composites

Marlton South Jersey Before After Bonding Resin

Our young patient here, an 18 year old female, presented to the office with a history of previous orthodontic work and persistent excessive spacing (diasthema) on her front teeth due to undersized or "peg" shaped lateral incisors. After discussing a number of treatment plans recommended by Dr. Petulla, the patient opted to bleach her teeth with the Zoom take-home whitening system.

After establishing the degree of whiteness desired, chairside Esthet-X composites were placed to build her front teeth to a size that eliminated the gaps (diasthema), simulataneously creating a certain cosmetic harmony. A smile that aesthetically compliments her face.

Our patient was quite pleased with the cosmetic result. As she gains a few more years in age, the composite bonding will be removed and replaced with Empress porcelain crowns.. thereby establishing her adult, permanent smile.




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